For further information please visit: https://www.gla.ac.uk/postgraduate/taught/museumstudies/ - HARVARD EXTENSION SCHOOL - MUSEUM STUDIES (Master’s Degree Program)
For further information please visit: https://extension.harvard.edu/academics/programs/museum-studies-graduate-program/ - UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO - MUSEUM STUDIES (MMSt)
For further information please visit: https://ischool.utoronto.ca/current-students/programs-courses/programs-of-study/master-of-museum-studies/ - JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY - MUSEUM STUDIES (MA)
For further information please visit: https://advanced.jhu.edu/academics/graduate/ma-museum-studies/degree-details-and-courses/ - GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY - ART & MUSEUM STUDIES (MA)
For further information please visit: https://art.georgetown.edu/programs/museum-studies/ - UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO - MUSEUM AND FIELD STUDIES (MS)
For further information please visit: https://catalog.colorado.edu/graduate/colleges-schools/arts-sciences/programs-study/museum-field-studies/museum-field-studies-master-science-ms/ - NEWCASTLE UNIVERSITY - MUSEUM, GALLERY AND HERITAGE STUDIES (MPhil, PhD)
For further information please visit: https://www.ncl.ac.uk/postgraduate/degrees/8834f-5/ - TUFTS UNIVERSITY - ART HISTORY AND MUSEUM STUDIES (MA)
For further information please visit: https://as.tufts.edu/art-architecture/current-students/graduate-programs/ma-art-history-and-museum-studies - GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY - MUSEUM STUDIES (MA)
For further information please visit: https://corcoran.gwu.edu/museum-studies - FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY - MUSEUM & CULTURAL HERITAGE STUDIES (MA)
For further information please visit: https://arthistory.fsu.edu/graduate/mchs/ - UNIVERSITY AT BUFFALO - CRITICAL MUSEUM STUDIES (MA)
For further information please visit: https://www.buffalo.edu/cas/arts_management/programs/Museum.html - UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS - MUSEUM STUDIES (MA)
For further information please visit: https://catalog.ku.edu/liberal-arts-sciences/museum-studies/ma/ - UNIVERSITY OF EAST ANGLIA - CULTURAL HERITAGE AND MUSEUM STUDIES (MA)
For further information please visit: https://www.uea.ac.uk/course/postgraduate/ma-cultural-heritage-and-museum-studies - KINGSTON UNIVERSITY - MUSEUM AND GALLERY STUDIES (MA)
For further information please visit: https://www.kingston.ac.uk/postgraduate/courses/museum-gallery-studies-ma/ - SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY - MUSEUM STUDIES (MA)
For further information please visit: https://vpa.syr.edu/academics/design/programs/museum-studies-ma/ - INDIANA UNIVERSITY - MUSEUM STUDIES (MA)
For further information please visit: https://liberalarts.iupui.edu/programs/museum-studies/current-students/museum-studies-graduate-degree-master-of-arts-m-a-in-museum-studies/ - UNIVERSITY OF SAN FRANCISCO - MUSEUM STUDIES (MA)
For further information please visit: https://www.usfca.edu/arts-sciences/programs/graduate/museum-studies - UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA - MUSEUM STUDIES (MA)
For further information please visit: https://pacs.ou.edu/current-students/graduate-student-information-center/master-museum-studies/ - MARIST COLLEGE - MUSEUM STUDIES (MA)
For further information please visit: https://www.marist.edu/italy/museum-studies - BAYLOR UNIVERSITY - MUSEUM STUDIES (MA)
For further information please visit: https://catalog.baylor.edu/graduate-school/curriculum-departments-institutes-instruction/museum-studies/museum-studies-ma/ - SAN FRANCISCO STATE UNIVERSITY - MUSEUM STUDIES (MA)
For further information please visit: https://museum.sfsu.edu/graduate - YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY - MUSEOLOGY (MA)
For further information please visit: https://sbe.yildiz.edu.tr/page/Programs-%3e-MA-Programs/Museology/400
For further information please visit: http://www.univ-paris3.fr/master-musees-et-nouveaux-medias-br-mention-direction-de-projets-ou-d-etablissements-culturels-538471.kjsp?RH=1179926084097 - ECOLE DU LOUVRE - MUSÉOLOGIE - DEUXIÈME CYCLE
For further information please visit: https://www.ecoledulouvre.fr/enseignements/etre-eleve/deuxieme-cycle - UNIVERSITÉ LAVAL - MUSÉOLOGIE - DEUXIÈME CYCLE
For further information please visit: https://www.flsh.ulaval.ca/etudes/diplome-detudes-superieures-specialisees-en-museologie/apercu - UNIVERSITÉ PARIS 1 PANTHÉON-SORBONNE - PATRIMOINE ET MUSÉES (DEUXIÈME CYCLE)
For further information please visit: https://formations.pantheonsorbonne.fr/fr/catalogue-des-formations/master-M/master-patrimoine-et-musees-KBUWRKR6.html - UNIVERSITÉ DU QUÉBEC À MONTRÉAL - MUSÉOLOGIE - DEUXIÈME CYCLE
For further information please visit: https://museologie.uqam.ca/ - UNIVERSITÉ DE NEUCHÂTEL - MASTER OF ARTS EN ÉTUDES MUSÉALES
For further information please visit: https://www.unine.ch/unine/home/formation/masters/lettres-et-sciences-humaines/master_en_etudes_museales.html
Your first attention will be the fee and duration of the master program but... please take a detailed look at the staff, the academicians you will take courses from, and their CVs and decide accordingly.
There will definitely be things to add to the list of universities and programs. Do not hesitate to inform us.
Photograph: Palace of Versailles from Ecole du Louvre
Source for Master in France: https://monulb.ulb.be/fr/web/support/-/13-qu-est-ce-qu-un-cycle-d-etudes-
When we examined the academic programs for Museology, we realized that they were directed to some programs that are not related to Museology or that do not fully cover the competencies of the discipline. What does this mean? In the lists of master programs, those who want to be museologists; we have seen that it is equipped with programs such as curatorial studies, art gallery management, art consultancy, art history, archeology, sociology, etc. which are among the stakeholders of museology but do not cover museology as the only discipline. Museology is one of the academic programs that includes many disciplines. A museologist must be versatile. It's not enough just to be an expert in curatorial scenarios or just know art history. A museologist can be an architect, an engineer, an art historian, sometimes an art consultant, sometimes a corporate communicator, sometimes an exhibition specialist, and has to be a researcher and remain a researcher for life-time. They should research everything: archiving, preventive conservation, air-conditioning in museums, sustainable architectural designs, visitor research, new technologies for displays, museum translation software, accessibility of museums... Therefore, you can choose museology in your master's degree, no matter what your education field is. Even if you are out of the field, you have a chance to become a museologist thanks to the inclusiveness of museology. YEYY!
Therefore, we share an up-to-date list so that you do not waste your time. We are sure that you are curious and want to review all.
You may need to take a look before deciding.
Here is our list for future museologists:
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