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Showing posts from December, 2021


We had an interview with François Mairesse. We think he is truly an idol as an academician and museologist who constantly develops himself. We present the interview in French and English. You can also watch the video via our Youtube Channel: Cover Photograph: Welcome To Our World: Museology 101, Meet The Museologist :) François Mairesse vs Destina Hande Cil DHC : Bonjour Monsieur Mairesse! Comment allez-vous? FM : C'est bien merci, et vous? DHC : Je suis si heureuse de vous rencontrer aujourd'hui. Et aujourd'hui, j'ai le grand plaisir de vous présenter François Mairesse, qui est muséologue et professeur à la Sorbonne Nouvelle et puis il a auteur de nombreux ouvrages et articles consacrés à la muséologie la médiation culturelle elle l'économie de la culture. commençons d'abord par votre collaboration... Alors je voudrais mentionner la création d'une


The concept of education has changed frequently from its first appearance to the present day. It contains many questions and answers in itself, such as being innovative, primitive, hosting technological infrastructure, involving artificial intelligence, being out-of-school, being lifelong, and in all areas. The concept of out-of-school education, for example, museum education, actually opens the door to a different impression for all age groups. Currently, the debate on how education and learning, such as generation X, generation Y, and generation Z, differ intergenerational is still ongoing. As a linguist, the subject I want to emphasize is "foreign languages" . It is a highlighted information that the earlier you start learning in foreign language, the more you are constantly emphasized that you have made progress. In fact, it is important that the person get exposed to the target language, regardless of age group. So, if the concept we call lifelong learning covers the con


"Architecture is more than a history of form and style. It is a product of cultural and environmental factors and an expression of the way of life of the moment."   Steps need to be taken to make new structures and the built environment formed; natural resource use, energy consumption and waste management more environmentally friendly. Is that how it is? Ataturk Cultural Center is constantly advancing from its ashes in the cycle of rebirth, like a phoenix. However, the main issue in the center is not the Ataturk Cultural Center, but the Taksim Mosque. The ideological discussions of the mutual positioning of the Taksim Mosque and the Ataturk Cultural Center are still ongoing. Cover photograph: Pinterest The above photo, Taksim Square (1953) and the other one (2021). Mega projects carried out in recent years in Turkey continues to accelerate further. Mega mosque projects are at least the favorite of architecture offices as well as other projects. The Çamlıca Mosque and Taksim M